Exposición fotográfica de los seleccionados para el workshop de Bárbara Traver

Miradas Alhambra, la iniciativa de Rambleta y Cervezas Alhambra, vuelve para captar la identidad de nuevos barrios a través de las personas que los habitan y que les dan identidad. Pero su mirada nos llegará como un reflejo de la realidad, como un espejo de esas historias cotidianas que dan vida a nuestra ciudad.

Barbara Traver

Bárbara Traver (b. 1992) is a contemporary artist and analog photographer based in London, UK.

Working with analog photography, text and archival materials, his multidisciplinary practice is an investigation of the obscurities and idiosyncrasies of the mundane, as overlooked everyday objects. For her, creation in relation to daily and through the individual with his environment is like a mirage that reveals itself in a subtle and suggestive way. Fascinated by observing and recording everyday encounters and paradoxes, using photography as a catalyst for his imagination; the camera as a tool to make sense of the world. Research, execution and intervention is part of his process and is closely intertwined with numerous artistic references and philosophical readings. Recurring themes and interests are memory, identity, tactility and fiction. Her style is a domestic style. Not necessarily homemade or amateur, just domestic. A style that mixes the intimate and the daily, the informal and the affective.


Fest Comarcas Photo 2020


Médicos Sin Fronteras ABC Cultural